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Though Giving a Winery is born..

In 2010 during the worldwide economic downturn, Dan and Brenda Weiand felt a call to do something to help others during this challenging time.  They discovered an opportunity to connect with stores that would donate clearance and return items as long as they would give it all away for free.  Excited, they connected with Crossroads Community Church to help gain access to this program.  They started in their garage and began to pick up these items on a weekly basis. With the help of volunteers they would sort and test the items and give them to people in need.  Advertising by using only word of mouth, the program grew and 1,000’s of people were helped. A move to a large warehouse was achieved allowing to increase the amount of items and many people in the community became involved and began lifting up others and making a change in the community.

During this process in 2011, a Mr. Beer Kit came in and Dan was inspired to make it.  After making it, he realized he needed bottles.  An online search on craigslist found someone selling all their beer and wine equipment for $200.  He was the first one to call and show up to get it.  It contained over 2 pallets of equipment and bottles.  He sold the oak barrels that came with that lot for $200 and was now in the wine making venture for FREE.  Years of making, testing, sampling with friends and refining the process of making wine, several flavors rose to the top and the demand for the wine grew.

 In 2017 a threat of losing their Charity warehouse caused an idea of starting a winery to support and continue the charity efforts and also support the efforts of other giving people and causes.  2 Years of hard work and generous support of friend and the community, Whole Hearted Winery is born.  Now it is time for Wine Lovers to be the Hero and help great people and causes with great wine. 

Thank you to all who have supported the efforts in bringing this to the community.